Heartworm Disease

Heartworm Disease

 Facts About Heartworm Disease

 Adult Heartworms can grow 10-12 inches in length

 Cases of heartworms have been diagnosed in all 50 states

 Over 25% of cats with proven heartworm infections are kept indoors exclusively according to their owners


 Can take years to develop

 Testing should be done yearly

 Persistent cough

Reluctance to exercise 

Fatigue after moderate activity 

 Decreased appetite

Weight loss 


There is no treatment for cats

 Treatment for dogs can lead to serious health concerns, as can leaving the disease untreated

More than 1 treatment may be necessary

Prevention is VITAL to your pet's health!

Heartgard (Dogs)

Iverheart (Dogs)

Proheart (Dogs)

Revolutions (Cats)

 A once a month chewable

A once a month tablet 

 An injection that is effective for 6 months.  Only available for dogs under 8.

A once a month topical application that also prevents fleas 

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