Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease


 In 2007, it was the cause of most pet insurance claims for infectious diseases

 In endemic areas, 41% or more dogs were infected

 There have been human cases in all 50 states and dog cases in the 48 contiguous states

Risk Factors

 Deer in the neighborhood

 Diagnosed cases in the area (human or dog)

 Wooded areas or tall brush

 Frequent campers, hikers, hunters, etc.

 Traveling to high risk areas



 Swelling of the joints


 Loss of appetite

 Constant tiredness

 Lameness of the limb closest to tick attachment



 Brush your dog after going outside

 Examine for ticks daily in warm weather

 Remove ticks with tweezers

 Use tick control and an effective insect repellant

 Vaccinate yearly

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